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Cara Memasang Kolom Iklan Kiri Kanan Blog Pakai Tombol Close

Cara Memasang Kolom Iklan Kiri Kanan Blog Pakai Tombol Close
Tentunya anda sudah tahu meletakkan iklan dalam blog. Ada yang menempatkan iklan di widget saja, ada juga yang menempatkan iklan di dalam postingan, baik di atas postingan maupun di bawah postingan (artikel). Semua tergantung selera dan tujuan isi dari konten blog tersebut.

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Cara Memasang Kolom Iklan Kiri Kanan Blog Pakai Tombol Close
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Gantilah Tulisan yang berwarna Biru tersebut dengan Kode / Script Iklan yang anda inginkan.

Bagaimana, gampang bukan? Demikianlah bagaimana Cara Memasang Kolom Iklan Kiri Kanan Blog Pakai Tombol Close. Seamat mencoba dan salam sukses. [Bos Tutorial]

Cara Memasang Iklan Fload Di Bawah Blog Dengan Tombol Close

Cara Memasang Iklan Fload Di Bawah Blog Dengan Tombol Close - Kembali lagi Bos Tutorial share sesuatu mengenai Penempatan Iklan di dalam blog. Sebelumnya, kawan-kawan sudah pernah membaca artikel yang mirip dengan postingan ini. Seperti "Cara Memasang Iklan Berdekatan Secara Otomatis di Dalam Postingan" dan "Cara Memasang Iklan Secara Otomatis Di Bawah Postingan". Semuanya dilakukan secara otomatis. Lebih lanjut mari kita simak di bawah ini.

Cara Memasang Iklan Fload Di Bawah Blog Dengan Tombol Close

Cara Memasang Iklan Fload Di Bawah Blog Dengan Tombol Close
1. Bukalah Akun Blogger anda.
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4. Pilih lah Tambah Javascript
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Gantilah tulisan PASANG KODE / SCRIPT IKLAN ANDA DISINI dengan Kode Script Iklan yang anda inginkan.

Bagaimana, gampang bukan. Demikianlah tulisan singkat mengenai Cara Memasang Iklan Fload Di Bawah Blog Dengan Tombol Close. Semoga bermanfaat dan Selamat Mencoba. Salam sukses dan salam bogger. [Bos Tutorial]

Feedbacks in the Arctic

This is more a climate report than a weather report; yet, the extreme weather that did hit the U.K. recently and that is forecast to hit large parts of North America next week may make more people realize that action is needed now. So, please share!

At the moment, a large part of Russia is experiencing temperature anomalies at the highest end of the scale, i.e. more than 36°F (20°C) warmer than average past records.

Above image shows the situation as at March 20, 2014. The image below is a forecast for March 22, 2014.

Over the past year, average temperatures over the Arctic Ocean have been much higher than they used to be, as illustrated by the NOAA image below.

Warming in the Arctic is accelerating, in part due to a number of feedbacks such as extreme weather. Temperatures over the Arctic Ocean are expected to rise even further next week. The Arctic as a whole is expected to reach average anomalies as high as 5.3°C next week, while many areas over the Arctic Ocean are expected to be hit by even higher anomalies, as the image below shows.

 [ click on image to enlarge ]
Above image also shows that, at the same time, very low temperatures - with anomalies at the low end of the scale - are expected to hit a large part of North America. The image below shows what temperatures can be expected on March 26, 2014, 12:00 UTC.

As above image illustrates, temperatures over a large part of North America can be expected to be hardly higher than temperatures over the Arctic Ocean mid next week. It is this very difference between high altitude temperatures and lower altitude temperatures that drives the Jet Stream. In the absence of much difference, changes to the Jet Stream are making it easier for cold air to move out of the Arctic and for warm air from lower latitudes to move in. The Polar Vortex is similarly affected, as illustrated by the image below.

At lower altitude, the highest wind speed detected on the image below was 94 km/h (green marker). Strong winds brought a lot of rain from the Atlantic Ocean to the U.K., as has been the case for some time.

[ click on image to enlarge ]
The result is more extreme weather, which can translate into more intense storms, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and further havoc. Importantly, storms across the Arctic Ocean and higher wind speeds along the edges of Greenland can break up the ice and speed up its exit from the Arctic Ocean. The Naval Research Laboratory animation below shows strong winds pushing the sea ice around and speeding up its exit along the edges of Greenland. 

Despite the cold weather that has hit large parts of North America over the past few months, the water off the coast of North America has not cooled, as illustrated by the image below. The blue and lilac colored areas are in part the result of exit currents carrying cold water out of the Arctic Ocean more rapidly, while the Gulf Stream continues to carry warmer water (brown and red colored areas) into the Arctic Ocean. 

[ Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) - click on image to enlarge ]
The Arctic is especially vulnerable to warming, due to a number of circumstances, including:
- Gulf Stream carrying warmer water into the Arctic Ocean;
- Arctic snow and ice cover is at the verge of collapse;
- Methane is present in large quantities under the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean.
These circumstances and the combined impact of feedbacks such as extreme weather make that, on top of global warming, the Arctic is hit by a second, addtional kind of warming, i.e. accelerating warming in the Arctic.

The joint impact of feedbacks is becoming stronger, as temperatures keep rising in the Arctic and with continued demise of the snow and ice cover. So, let's start with feedback #1, i.e. that, as snow and ice cover decline further, an ever larger part of the sunlight will be absorbed by the Arctic Ocean, rather than to (a) be reflected back into space or (b) be consumed in the process of transforming ice into water. This first feedback will then be amplified by further feedbacks such as storms that can more easily develop in open water. And, as the weather becomes more extreme, stronger storms and heatwaves can be expected to hit the Arctic Ocean, causing further demise of the sea ice, resulting in more heat being absorbed by the Arctic Ocean. Thus, feedbacks can amplify each other, causing warming in the Arctic to accelerate even further. 

One of the most dangerous feedbacks is that, as the Arctic Ocean warms up further and as the Gulf Stream carries ever warmer water into the Arctic Ocean, methane can erupt from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean in large quantities. Methane eruptions from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean have become especially noticable over the past half year. The big danger is that this will develop into a third kind of warming, runaway global warming. 

Large amounts of methane are still entering the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean, which contains very little hydroxyl to start with, so large abrupt releases will deplete the little hydroxyl that is there much faster than elsewhere. Furthermore, the methane will initially be highly concentrated in the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean, and where the methane does move out of the Arctic, it could warm up the water along the track of the Gulf Stream, causing even warmer water to enter the Arctic Ocean. For years after its release, the methane will act as a powerful greenhouse gas. Unlike the albedo changes, which have the highest impact at the June Solstice when the amount of solar radiation received by the Arctic is higher than anywhere else on Earth, methane prevents heat from radiating out into space throughout the year. 

The interactive diagram below gives an overview of these three kinds of warming and the numerous feedbacks that are accelerating warming in the Arctic, from the earlier post The Biggest Story of 2013.

Hover over each kind of warming and feedback to view more details, click to go to page with further background 
Image Mapemissions cause global warmingArctic warming accelerated by soot, etc.additional warming of Gulf Stream by emissions methane releases escalatePolar vortex and jet stream weaken as Arctic warmssnow and ice decline causing less sunlight to be reflected back into spacemethane releases warm Arctic airas sea ice decline weakens vertical currents, seabed warmsStorms cause vertical mixing of wateraccelerated Arctic warming causes storms that push cold air of the Arcticextreme weather causing storms that push away sea iceextreme weather causing storms that create higher waves, breaking up the sea icestorms creating more wavy waters that absorb more sunlightextreme weather causing fires, etc.weaker polar vortex and jet stream let cold air move out of Arcticextreme weather causing warmer waterssnow and ice decline cause seismic activity that destabilizes hydratesmethane releases prevent sea ice from forming

In conclusion, the situation is dire and calls for comprehensive and effective action, as described at the Climate Plan blog.


- The Biggest Story of 2013

- Climate Plan

- Changes to Polar Vortex affect mile-deep ocean circulation patterns

- Diagram of Doom

- Polar Jet Stream appears hugely deformed

- Methane Levels going through the Roof

- Ocean heat: Four Hiroshima bombs a second: how we imagine climate change

- (Three kinds of) Warming in the Arctic

  1. Snow and ice decline causing more sunlight to be absorbed by the Arctic Ocean
  2. Methane releases warming up Arctic air
  3. As sea ice decline weakens vertical currents, seabed warms
  4. Storms cause vertical mixing of water
  5. Accelerated Arctic warming causes storms that push cold air of the Arctic
  6. Extreme weather causing storms that push away sea ice
  7. Extreme weather causing storms that create higher waves, breaking up the sea ice
  8. Storms creating more wavy waters that absorb more sunlight
  9. Extreme weather causing fires, etc.
  10. Weaker polar vortex and jet stream let cold air move out of Arctic
  11. Extreme weather causing warmer waters
  12. Snow and ice decline cause seismic activity that destabilizes hydrates
  13. Methane releases prevent sea ice from forming

All New Ducati Monster 1200 Bakal Mengaspal Di Indonesia Tahun Ini

All-New Ducati Monster 1200 dikabarkan bakal masuk pasar sepeda motor Indonesia pada tahun 2014 ini. Hal ini disampaikan oleh Iwan Gogo B.P Panjaitan yang menjabat sebagai CEO Ducati Indonesia (DI). Sebagai awal, pihaknya minta dikirimkan 1 unit sepeda motor Ducati Monster 1200 yang dijadwalkan bakal tiba di Indonesia pada bulan September atau Oktober 2014.

Ducati Monster 1200 S. Majalah Otomotif Online
Ducati Monster 1200 S.
Monster Terkuat Ducati Sapa Indonesia Tahun ini!.

Kiprah Ducati Indonesia (DI) tahun ini semakin “membara”, seusai meluncurkan dua sepeda motor sport premium, Monster 796 dan Panigale 899. Model berikutnya adalah All-New Monster 1200 yang telah diperkenalkan di pameran industri sepeda motor di Milan (EICMA) awal November 2013 lalu. "Saya ingin minta 1 unit dulu kira-kira datang September atau Oktober. Tapi sekarang belum buka pesanan karena saya tidak mau konsumen kecewa. Sebab ketika barang masuk kita harus uji kelayakan dan uji tipe terlebih dahulu, bisa memakan waktu tiga bulan," ungkap Iwan Gogo B.P Panjaitan, CEO DI.

Moge terkuat sekaligus terberat di keluarga Monster ini mengandalkan jantung Testastretta 11° seperti Multistrada dan Diavel yang sudah memakai radiator. Kemampuan diklaim hingga 135 PS dan torsi 116 Nm, sedangkan versi teratas, Monster 1200S, sanggup menyemburkan tenaga 145 PS dan torsi 124 Nm.

Sebagai produk global dengan posisi riding agak tinggi, generasi ketiga Monster 1200 ini punya fitur yang bisa membantu mengatasi kendala tinggi postur tubuh, yang sering dialami biker Indonesia. Model tersebut sudah disertaipengatur ketinggian jok. “Salah satu kelebihannya, tempat duduk bisa disesuaikan turun-naik, kalau masih kurang pendek bisa diganti merek aftermarket lain,” terang Iwan.

Dari brosur resmi yang dirilis DI, Ducati 1200 dibanderol Rp 445 juta, sedangkan harga 1200S mencapai Rp 480 juta.

New Diavel

Varian facelift model Diavel juga dipastikan meluncur tahun ini. Pengenalan versi paling segar itu telah terlaksana di Geneva Motor Show 2014. “Kita udah order, mungkin sudah sampai bulan Juni. Semoga di IIMS sudah bisa dipamerkan,” tutup Iwan.

Vespa Primavera Dipasarkan Di Indonesia Dengan Harga Rp 30,8 Juta OTR Jakarta

Vespa Primavera akhirnya masuk pasar sepeda motor Indonesia atas prakarsa PT Piaggio Indonesia. Di tanah air, Vespa Primavera bakal ditawarkan dengan harga berkisar pada angka Rp30,8 juta on the road Jakarta. Peminat dapat memilih varian berdasarkan warna yang disediakan, yaitu Nero Vulcano, Azzuro Marechiaro, Rosso Dragon, Monte Bianco, dan Blu Midnight.

Vespa Primavera (Gambar 1). Majalah Otomotif Online
Vespa Primavera (Gambar 1).
Vespa Primavera Mengaspal di Indonesia, Dibanderol Rp30,8 Juta.

Setelah terlahir kembali pada ajang EICMA tahun lalu, kini salah satu model ikonik Vespa, Primavera, resmi masuk ke Tanah Air. Vespa yang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada 1968 ini kembali membawa ciri khas sang legenda untuk menjadi pemimpin desain dan teknologi ultra modern. Primavera terbaru ini mengadopsi sebagian dari gaya dan fitur teknis 946 sebagai model paling bergengsi, dan berteknologi canggih.

Primavera mewarisi ekskusifitas, keanggunan 946, dan tetap mempertahankan semangat aslinya. Sebagai model Vespa sepanjang masa, motor ini tidak mengurangi kepraktisan dan kenyamanan Vespa untuk digunakan semua orang. "Muda, inovatif, berkelas, dan dinamis adalah empat kata yang menggambarkan Primavera terbaru ini, yang tercermin dari desain, teknologi, dan warnanya. Primavera merupakan Vespa yang sangat modern, dirancang dengan keanggunan gaya yang eksklusif tanpa meninggalkan aspek kenyamanan," ujar Marco Noto La Diega, Managing Director PT Piaggio Indonesia, dalam siaran resminya, Selasa (11/3/2014).

Vespa Primavera (Gambar 2). Majalah Otomotif Online
Vespa Primavera (Gambar 2).
Primavera baru memiliki mesin 3 valve (tiga katup) ultra modern dengan sistem injeksi yang membantu meminimalisir konsumsi bahan bakar hingga 64 km/liter pada kecepatan 50 km/jam. Model ini juga merupakan pilihan tepat bagi pengendara yang peduli terhadap lingkungan. Untuk Suspensi depan berlengan tunggal, fitur yang umum pada Vespa, serta peredam kejut aksi ganda pada suspensi belakang memastikan stabilitas berkendara. Dimensi roda 28 cm dengan rem tromol yang lebih besar menjamin keamanan baik pengendara maupun penumpang. "Vespa Primavera didesain untuk kaum muda, bagi mereka yang baru pertama kali menggunakan Vespa dalam pencarian kebebasan. Primavera baru ini menawarkan pengalaman berkendara yang menyenangkan, berkilau, dan modern bagi para pecinta Vespa muda ini," tambah kata Pratiwi Halim, Marketing Director PT Piaggio Indonesia.

Vespa Primavera ini akan dipamerkan terhadap publik di Plaza Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, pada 21 sampai 23 Maret 2014 mendatang. Untuk harganyas sendiri, Vespa Primavera ini akan dibanderol seharga Rp30,8 juta on the road Jakarta.

Vespa Primavera ini tersedia dalam lima warna yaitu Nero Vulcano, Azzuro Marechiaro, Rosso Dragon, Monte Bianco, dan Blu Midnight. Dalam debutnya di hadapan publik tanah Air, Seniman visual kenamaan Indonesia, Anton Ismael, akan menambah eksklusivitas produk ini dengan pameran karya miliknya di acara tersebut.

Has the descent begun?

On March 9, 2014, Arctic sea ice area was at a record low for the time of the year, at only 12.88731 square kilometers.

Sea ice extent shows a similar descent, as illustrated by the NSIDC image below.

NSIDC update: The image below shows that Arctic sea ice extent was 14.583 square kilometers on March 11, 2014 (light green line), a record low for this time of the year and smaller than it was in 2006 (magenta line) and 2011 (orange line) at this time of the year.

The situation is dire, given that methane concentrations have risen strongly following an earthquake that hit the Gakkel Ridge on March 6, 2014, as illustrated by the image below.

[ click on image to enlarge ]
Huge amounts of methane have been released from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean over the past half year, and the resulting high methane concentrations over the Arctic will contribute to local temperature rises.

The image below shows that sea surface temperatures are anomalously high in the Arctic Ocean and off the east coast of North America, from where warm water is carried by the Gulf Stream into the Arctic Ocean.

The prospect of an El Niño event makes the situation even more dire. NOAA recently issued an El Niño Watch. This follows a conclusion by an international research team that found a 75% likelyhood of an El Niño event in late 2014.

The consequences of sea ice collapse would be devastating, as all the heat that previously went into transforming ice into water will be asbsorbed by even darker water, from where less sunlight will be reflected back into space. The danger is that further warming of the Arctic Ocean will trigger massive methane releases is unacceptable and calls for comprehensive and effective action as discussed at the Climate Plan blog.


- M4.5 Earthquake hits Gakkel Ridge

- Climate Plan blog

Rinspeed Xchange, Mobil Masa Depan Dengan Teknologi Autopilot

Rinspeed Xchange adalah konsep mobil masa depan yang dirancang dan dikembangkan oleh Rinspeed, perusahaan yang berbasis di Swiss. Sebagai mobil yang diperkirakan baru bisa digunakan pada tahun 2020, Rinspeed Xchange didukung fitur mengemudi otonom sehingga mobil ini tidak perlu dikemudikan atau disetir oleh manusia. Dengan kata lain, mobil konsep Rinspeed Xchange akan mengandalkan teknologi autopilot hingga melaju pada kecepatan 120 km/jam, terutama untuk perjalanan jauh.

Rinspeed Xchange. Majalah Otomotif Online
Rinspeed Xchange.
Rinspeed Xchange, mobil tak perlu stir.

Rinspeed Xchange jadi sorotan di Pameran Otomotif Jenewa karena interiornya lebih mirip kantor atau ruang tamu dibandingkan kabin mobil. Seperti dilaporkan Reuters TV, CEO dan pendiri Rinspeed Frank Rinderknecht mengatakan kendaraan mereka adalah masa depan transportasi. "Rinspeed Xchange adalah kendaraan yang bisa mengemudikan diri sendiri lewat autopilot,jadi orang di dalamnya bisa tetap bekerja, menonton, bersantai, tak perlu melihat kemudi berputar ke kiri atau ke kanan dan tak perlu menatap ke luar," kata Frank M. Rinderknecht.

Rinderknecht mengemukakan Rinspeed Xchange dibuat untuk memuat empat penumpang dan bisa menjadi tempat pertemuan bisnis. Interiornya bisa disesuaikan untuk berbagai suasana berkat 380 lampu LED dengan kontrol individual. Komputer akan mengerjakan urusan mengemudi dan navigasi. "Kalau saya sedang ingin mengemudikan kendaraan ini, saya tetap bisa melakukannya," kata Rinderknecht.

Rinspeed Xchange (interior). Majalah Otomotif Online
Rinspeed Xchange (interior).
Dia memperkirakan kendaraan autopilot mulai diperbolehkan beredar tahun 2020 . Rinderknecht yakin pada saat itu perusahaannya, Rinspeed, saat itu akan menjadi pemimpin kendaraan autopilot.

Dalam video Rinspeed Xchange, digambarkan dua penumpang yang berbincang berhadapan dari dua sisi dalam mobil sehingga kaki bisa selonjor. Mobil tersebut mengemudi sendiri sehingga penumpang dapat sepenuhnya memperhatikan dan menatap lawan bicara.

Ketika penumpang ingin mengemudi, stir yang berada di tengah dashboard bergeser otomatis ke sisi kiri maupun kanan, artinya penumpang di kursi kiri maupun kanan bisa bergantian menyetir.

New Ducati Diavel Meluncur Di Ajang Geneva Motor Show 2014

New Ducati Diavel atau punya sebutan lain sebagai Ducati Diavel model 2014 diperkenalkan pada ajang Geneva Motor Show 2014. Tampilan paling khas dari Diavel terbaru ini ditandai dengan penggunaan lampu utama jenis New Full-LED. Demikian juga dengan tenaga pendorongnya, mesin dengan 2 busi yang merupakan versi terbaru dari Testastretta 11 derajat.

New Ducati Diavel Red Carbon. Majalah Otomotif Online
New Ducati Diavel Red Carbon.
Torsi Besar di Balik Tampang Baru Ducati Diavel.

Ducati memanfaatkan ajang Geneva Motor Show yang dimulai Selasa (4/3/2014), dengan merilis Diavel paling segar. Peluncuran dilakukan di stan Volkswagen sebagai orang tua perusahaan. Tak hanya mendapat sedikit ubahan tampang, cruiser 'jahanam' ini juga mendapat bekal mesin baru yang membuatnya semakin liar. Teknologi jantung pacu menganut versi anyar Testastretta 11 derajat dua busi, yang sudah dipakai pada Monster 1200. Piston baru membuat rasio kompresinya naik dari 11,5:1 menjadi 12,5:1. Lubang isap dan knalpot ikut diubah, mengikuti revisi timing kem yang diklaim mendongkrak torsi di putaran bawah. Secara keseluruhan torsi naik 2,9 Nm menjadi 130,4 Nm. Sementara kekuatan puncak sama dengan versi sebelumnya, 162 PS. Namun tenaga maksimal itu datangnya lebih cepat, yakni pada 9.250 rpm, sedangkan versi lama tercapai pada 9.500 rpm.

Tampang Modern

Dari segi tampang, paling mencolok adalah lampu utama menggunakan LED dengan desain bagian dalam yang matching dengan lampu belakang. Lalu, dibalut dalam rumah lampu yang berlapis aluminium. Posisinya tidak lebih menonjol ke depan melebihi garpu suspensi seperti model sebelumnya. Sementara lampu sein terpasang pada pelindung radiator yang juga berubah desain lebih tegas.

New Ducati Diavel. Majalah Otomotif Online
New Ducati Diavel.
Layar TFT yang terpasang pada tangki bahan bakar kini dilengkapi indikator digital yang akan menyala ketika bensin mulai habis. Di bagian ini juga terdapat indikator standar samping untuk mengingatkan pengendara ketika akan memacu sepeda motornya usai parkir. Seperti pada versi sebelumnya, layar juga berfungsi menunjukkan mode berkendara hingga kontrol traksi.

Perubahan lain, ada pada jok dan riser di setang. Dua ubahan ini tak terlalu mencolok, hanya untuk mendapat posisi berkendara yang lebih nyaman. Bagian lain masih sama, termasuk penggunaan suspensi dan aksesori. Bedanya hanya pada warna.

Dua Versi

Disediakan dua versi, paling dasar akan berkelir Dark Stealth, dengan rangka pelek dan knalpot hitam. Sementara versi kedua, Carbon dan Red Carbon dengan rangka merah atau putih. Model Carbon termasuk pelek Marchesini black forged dari aluminium dan knalpot stainless steel. Model ini dibanderol 17.995 Dollar AS (Rp 280 juta) untuk Diavel standar dan 20.995 Dollar AS (Rp 243 juta) untuk model Carbon.

M4.5 Earthquake hits Gakkel Ridge

The above image shows recent large methane release over the Gakkel Ridge, the faultline that crosses the Arctic Ocean between the northern tip of Greenland and the Laptev Sea (red line on map). Methane readings were as high as 2395 ppb at 586 mb, an altitude that often shows high methane readings originating from the Arctic Ocean.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 hit the Gakkel Ridge at a depth of 2 km on March 6, 2014, at 11:17.17.0 UTC. The location is shown on the map below.

[ click on image to enlarge ]
The image below shows more recent methane readings, around March 8, 2014.

The image below is a Naval Research Laboratory forecast of sea ice thickness for March 8, 2014, run on March 3, 2014.

Meanwhile, the sea ice is close to record lows (for the time of the year), as illustrated by the images below. The image directly below shows sea ice area.

The image below shows sea ice extent.

The image below, by Wipneus, shows sea ice volume.
The image below, by Andy Lee Robinson, offers a different way of looking at sea ice volume, the Arctic Death Spiral.

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr President,

Ukraine is clearly another Western geopolitical stunt to stop Russian exports of oil and gas to Europe so they can be replaced by filthy fossil fuels from US fracking and Canadian tar sand oil. We are facing a devastating final show down with Mother Nature which is being accelerated by the filthy extraction of fossil fuels by fracking, tar sands and coal mining and continent wide oil transport in the US.

Call your troops home so they can immediately assist in assembling giant solar power stations, wind farms and converting all road and rail transport to electricity. Immediately terminate all gas fracking, tar sand oil extraction, oil transport, coal mining and all the giant subsidies paid to fossil fuel companies. This money must be solely spent on constructing renewable energy power stations and infrastructure. 

You will be held accountable by US citizens and the world if you do not stop this extreme American pollution, the fast approaching methane firestorm and our extinction by 2050.

Yours Truly,

Malcolm Peter Light (Dr)
Earth Scientist


- Arctic Methane Impact

- Mantle Methane

- Massive Methane Concentrations over the Laptev Sea

- High methane levels over the Arctic Ocean on February 17, 2014

- Global Warming and the Gulf Stream

- The Biggest Story of 2013

Presentation by Guy McPherson

Presentation by Guy McPherson, February 2014, Traditions Cafe, Olympia WA.

View the video of the presentation below:


- Tour by Guy McPherson along the coasts of Oregon and Washington

- Earth is on the edge of runaway warming

- Arctic Methane Impact

- CO2 growth highest on record